Showing posts with label IMPRESSIVE BENEFITS OF GOLDEN MELON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMPRESSIVE BENEFITS OF GOLDEN MELON. Show all posts



A highly significant fruit loaded with high medicinal and nutritional benefits

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Golden melon is a sizable, bright yellow melon with a pale green to white inner flesh. Botanically known as Cucumis melo and of the family of Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbit), the golden melon is originally from Europe and Africa before spreading to other parts of the world. It is distinguished by its bright golden coloured firm skin with succulent juicy sweet flesh. Golden melon has a similar shape and texture to the common honeydew. Golden melon is of great importance to us due to its high medicinal and nutritional benefits.

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Nutritional Value and Components: 

Golden melon is a great constituent of essential minerals and nutrients such as vitamin C, pantothenic acid, calcium, zinc, vitamin B6, fibre, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin A and omega-3 & 6. Studies reveal that these vitamins are super essential for the healthy functioning of our body systems. 

Studies further reveal that golden melon seeds are rich source of protein and crude fibre. 

Golden melon also:

1. Regulates blood Pressure: <script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"


The Intake of golden melon helps to regulate blood pressure level due to the presence of potassium in it. Studies reveal that potassium releases signal within the body, which helps to stimulate and regulate nerves and muscles contractions. As a result, our nerves, blood vessels and muscles greatly depend on this vitamin for healthy functioning and for maintaining a normal blood pressure.

2. Prevents cardiovascular diseases: <script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"


Due to the high amount of vitamin B6 in golden melon, the serotonin released in body helps to convert homocysteine and amino acid into essential substances. This is very fundamental as studies reveal that increased homocysteine levels are potential causes of cardiovascular diseases. The Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids present in golden melon also makes it effective for maintaining healthy heart.

3. Prevents Constipation: 

Golden melon is an excellent constituent of both soluble and insoluble fiber. The Presence of dietary fiber in this fruit makes it very effective for aiding easy digestion of food and for preventing constipation. The fiber also helps to keep the digestive tracts free from unwanted products thereby reducing the onset of gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Maintains balanced Cholesterol level: 

Due to its high fibre content, the golden melon is essential for flushing out toxins from the body; thus reducing bad LDL cholesterol.

5. Manages weight:

Golden melon consumption is known to be able to manage weight. It contains beneficial minerals which are able to enhance body metabolism. 

6. Good for Skin: 

Golden melon can be used as natural facial mask to keep supple and youthful skin. This homemade masker is recommended especially for those with dry skin. You can make thin slices of the fruit and keep them on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.

7. Supports better sleep quality: 

Golden melon also affects our sleep pattern. It helps to avoid depression and is able to fix some sleep problems such as insomnia.

8. Good for diabetic patients:<script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"


Owing to the fact that this fruit is cholesterol free, a diabetic patients can enjoy this sweet fruit, without the fear of any further increase in the body sugar level. It is totally free of cholesterol, yet it provides the essential energy to the body. Even the carbohydrate level is low. Therefore, it is very good for a diabetic patient.


9. Boost the immune system: 

Golden melon contains a good amount of folic acid, which improves the immune system. Vitamin C is arguably best known for its role in supporting immune function and Golden melon is loaded with it.

10. Improves eye health: 

Some of the phytonutrients needed by the eyes are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are present in honeydew melon. Lutein and zeaxanthin improve the overall eye health resulting in better vision and reduced risks of eye related disorders such as cataracts, ARMED or age-related mascular degeneration, blindness and the likes. 

11. Good for Pregnant women:<script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"


During pregnancy, the body demands a higher level of vitamin and mineral intake. This is the period that your body should receive utmost nutrients because immunity tends to be weaker than normal. The body should get as many nutrients more than ever. 

Honeydrew melon fills the body with various nutrients, especially during pregnancy. If you want to be healthy child, it is highly recommended to eat honeydrew melon as much as you can.

12. Contains nutrients vital to bone health:

Golden melon contains several nutrients that are vital for repairing and maintaining strong bones, including folate, vitamins K and magnesium.

 In particular, the melon is essential for the breakdown of homocysteine — elevated levels of which have been linked to reduced bone mineral density over time. 

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